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Use of Having for Take Give Get Eat Drink Enjoy Accept - Online Padhe

Use of Having for Take, Give, Get, Receive, Eat, Drink, Enjoy and Accept

  • Use of Having for Take, Give, Get, Receive, Eat, Drink, Enjoy and Accept

Use of Having as Take, Give, Get, Receive and Accept Examples tricks


04 To have (Having) use as principal verb in Present Time

Have एक क्रिया है जो base form में रहता है और इसका Progressive यानि V4 “Having” होता है। इस पाठ में Having का उपयोग किस किस सेंस में होता है इसके वारे में पढ़ेंगे। साथ ही Having का उपयोग वाक्य में मुख्य क्रिया के रूप में करने हेतु समझेंगे।

Having का उपयोग वाक्य में take, give, get, receive, accept, eat, drink और enjoy के अर्थ या सेंस में करते है। साथ ही साथ having का उपयोग यहाँ मुख्य क्रिया के अनुसार हुआ है। क्योकि नीचे जितने भी वाक्य में having का उपयोग किया गया है उसका कोई ना कोई दूसरा क्रिया सहयोग करता है।

Use of Having as Take, Give, Get, Receive and Accept Examples tricks

इसे समझने के लिए नीचे कुछ उदाहरण देखते है जिसे चार रूप में रखा गया है।

1. Having use for taking :-

I am taking a seat. = I am having a seat. मै जगह ले रहा हूँ।

I am not taking a seat. = I am not having a seat.

Am I taking a seat? = Am I having a seat?

Am I not taking a seat? = Am I not having a seat?

2. Having use for giving :-

You are giving a party. = You are having a party. आप पार्टी दे रहे है।

You are not giving a party. = You are not having a party.

Are you giving a party? = Are you having a party?

Are you not giving a party? = Are you not having a party?

3. Having use for getting :-

He is getting this. = He is having this. वह यह प्राप्त कर रहा है।

He is not getting this. = He is not having this.

Is he getting this? = Is he having this?

Is he not getting this? = Is he not having this?

4. Having use for receiving :-

We are receiving letters. = We are having letters. हमलोग पत्र प्राप्त कर रहे है।

We are not receiving letters. = We are not having letters.

Are we receiving letters? = Are we having letters?

Are we not receiving letters? = Are we not having letters?

5. Having use for Accepting :-

They are accepting my proposal. = They are having my proposal. वेलोग मेरा प्रस्ताव सुविकार कर रहे है।

They are not accepting my proposal. = They are not having my proposal.

Are they accepting my proposal? = Are they having my proposal?

Are they not accepting my proposal? = Are they not having my proposal?

6. Having use for eating :-

Radha is eating an Indian food. = Radha is having an Indian food. राधा भारतीय खाना खा रही है।

Radha is not eating an Indian food. = Radha is not having an Indian food.

Is Radha eating an Indian food? = Is Radha having an Indian food?

Is Radha not eating an Indian food? = Is Radha not having an Indian food?

7. Having use for drinking :-

Panjabi is drinking cool drink. = Panjabi is having cool drink. पंजाबी ठंढा पेय पी रहे है।

Panjabi is not drinking cool drink. = Panjabi is not having cool drink.

Is Panjabi drinking cool drink? = Is Panjabi having cool drink?

Is Panjabi not drinking cool drink? = Is Panjabi not having cool drink?

उम्मीद करते है आपसब समझ चुके होंगे की Take, Give, Get, Receive and Accept के लिए Having का उपयोग कैसे किया जाता है। अगर इस पोस्ट में दी गयी जानकारी आपको अच्छा लगा हो तो अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करने की कृपा करे। धन्यवाद।