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Every One Sang Objectives QNA for BSEB 12th 50 Marks English - Online Padhe

Every One Sang Objectives QNA for BSEB 12th 50 Marks English

Every One Sang Objectives QNA for BSEB 12th 50 Marks English

Every one sang is a lyric composed by Siegfried Sassoon a Great War poet of 20th Century. The poet was engaged in war activities so he had witnessed the horror of war. In November 1918 the Germans were defeated and asked for armistice. When the news of armistice came it was a day of great joy and happiness. This poem is an expression of joy for freedom. The war was fought for freedom and the defeat of Germany was sure so the poet is over – joyed that the mission for fighting a war was to be fulfilled, secondly the soldiers who were away from their Kith and Kin were to set free and now they would be able to see their relatives. So the news of armistice brought a great pleasure to them.

Chapter Name: – Every One Sang

Chapter Number: – Six

Section: – Poetry Bihar Board 12th 50 Marks English

Poet: – Siegfried Sassoon

A. Every One Sang Objective Questions and Answer:-

1. Who composed the poem ‘Every One Sang’?

‘हर एक संग’ कविता की रचना किसने की?

a. Siegfried Sassoon (Correct Ans.)

b. Rupert Brooke

c. W.B. Yeats

d. Rudyard Kipling

2. In the war, who felt themselves as captivated or prisoned birds?

युद्ध में कौन, जो खुद को बंदी या बंदी पक्षियों के रूप में महसूस करता था?

a. Prisoners

b. Citizen

c. The poet

d. Soldiers (Correct Ans.)

3. The song was —-

सिपाहियों का गीत कैसा था ?

a. Heard from far distance

b. Wordless (Correct Ans.)

c. Of birds

d. Drifted

4. Beauty came like the –

किस तरह की सुंदरता आयी थी ?

a. Rising sun

b. Setting sun (Correct Ans.)

c. Chirping birds

d. Tears and horror

5. What lifted suddenly?

अचानक क्या उठा?

a. Tears

b. Everyone’s voice (Correct Ans.)


c. Horror

d. Birds

B. The objective of ‘everyone song’ for Bihar board 12th students:-

6. When set free, the prisoned birds behave –

जब मुक्त किया जाता है, तो बंदी पक्षी किस तरह का व्यवहार करते हैं –

a. Signing

b. Lightly

c. Delightfully (Correct Ans.)

d. Shaken with tears

7. ‘Everyone’ is referred to –

हर कोई ’किसके लिए संदर्भित है?

a. Players

b. Singers

c. Soldiers (Correct Ans.)

d. Fighters

8. Siegfried Sassoon was born in –

सिगफ्रीड ससून का जन्म कब में हुआ था –

a. 1886 (Correct Ans.)

b. 1912

c. 1856

d. 1900

9. The poem ‘Everyone song’ shows that war is always full of —

कविता ‘हर कोई गीत’ से पता चलता है कि युद्ध हमेशा से भरा होता है —

a. Happiness

b. Peace

c. Horror (Correct Ans.)

d. Sadness

10. Siegfried Sassoon was died in –

सीगफ्रीड ससून का निधन कब हुआ था ?

a. 1927 (Correct Ans.)

b. 1886

c. 1956

d. 1955

We think these objective questions are too helpful for your 12th Bihar Board final exam. So please study the objective of ‘everyone song’ carefully and want to say to you a lots of thanks for studding this post.